Fully Mobile Website
Hit the ground running with a fully “mobile responsive” site. That means it looks great on all your devices!
We've got your Back
Your site is backed up monthly, weekly, and daily. If you “break something”, we put you up and running in no time!
Flexible Pricing
Bridge Road Marketing offers a flexible pricing model allowing you to pay monthly or all at once. Looking for a custom pricing package? It never hurts to ask.
The Cloud
What is it? Who needs it? Find out the answer to these questions and more, when you contact us.
Be Seen
Your site will be listed with all of the search engines, and highly-geared to grab Google views.
Real People
Your digital face to the world should be as individual as you are. We are real people crafting digital solutions for real people.
How Does it Work?
We offer two options for basic website packages. A managed monthly service with new site (re)design, and a flat rate payment option.
If you’re interested in eCommerce check here.
Every business is unique. For this reason, we custom-tailor each web design and marketing package to your business. Features and costs may vary.
- Custom Designed Website
- Mobile Responsive
- Dynamic Features
- Modern Technologies
- Weekly Content Updates
- Monthly (or more) Email Campaigns
- Social Media Integration
- Social Media Marketing
- Live Phone & Email Support
We work in MANY different industries, and learn new things with each new client. Here’s an idea of some features you can expect with every new site.
- Custom Designed Website
- Mobile Responsive
- Dynamic Features
- Modern Technologies
- Social Media Integration
- Manage Your Own Content
- Easy Drag & Drop Editor
- Advanced Contact Forms
- Live Phone & Email Support
Prefer a Call? 414-52-BRAND
How Much Does it Cost?
Every business is different and each client’s needs are unique. For that reason, we quote each package individually. Once we quote your project, that price is set in stone. The guidelines below will give you an idea of what you might pay for a new site and managed digital marketing services.
Basic Informational Website
We define a Basic informational Website as a site with 5-10 unique pages. Features may include…
- Simple “About Us” homepage
- Homepage slideshow featuring business or product
- Simple “Contact Us” form
- Image gallery with 10-20 images (we DO NOT charge per image)
- 2-5 stock photography images
This is a good example of a Basic Informational Website
This type of project will range from $2,500-$3,500
Larger Scale Informational Website
We define a Larger Scale informational site as a site with 20 or more unique pages. Features may include…
- Employment application forms
- Large image galleries or slideshows
- Large contact or quote forms
- 20-50+ unique pages (we DO NOT charge per page)
- 10-20 stock photography images
- Professional onsite photography
This is a good example of a Larger Scale Informational Site
This type of project will range from $3,500-$5,500
Larger Scale Dynamic Website
We define a Larger Scale Dynamic Website as a site with multiple contributors or extensive custom development. Features may include…
- Social networking sites
- Internal business intranet Site
- Secure login or private areas for different user groups
- Multiple forms and other forms of community engagement (forum/chat/messaging)
- 50+ unique pages (we DO NOT charge per page)
This is a good example of a Larger Scale Dynamic Website
This type of project will range from $5,500-$10,000+ Most sites of this size are billed on a monthly retainer basis.
eCommerce Website
Learn more about our eCommerce offerings here. We define a eCommerce Website as a site that sells products online, and may have multiple contributors or extensive custom development. Features may include…
- Sell goods or services online
- Integration of multiple payment methods
- Secure login and rules for different user groups
- Multiple integrations to address shipping, tax, inventory management, etc.
- Detailed content organization schemes
This is a good example of an eCommerce Website
This type of project will range from $5,500-$10,000+ Most sites of this size are billed on a monthly or weekly retainer basis. depending on development or marketing demands.
Give us a few details and we'll quote your project!
Have a Look at Some of the Small Business & Non Profit Website's We've Built!