Glossary of Terms

Tech talk can be confusing, and let’s be honest, you’re here because you need some help with it.  We compiled a list below of some of the most common questions we get and concepts or terms that may be tough to grasp. Not sure what something means?  Just ask us.

We sure do love acronyms, don’t we ? ?


AWS is an acronym for Amazon Web Services, and is just that.  It is a large catalog of web based services offered by Amazon first launched in 2006.

AWS came to be as a means to solve a problem.  Amazon is a really big eCommerce store.  Running one of the the largest eCommerce stores in the world has some unique challenges when it comes to hosting.  They went to work on a cloud infrastructure and sold it to all of the rest of us along the way.

We use AWS for storage, hosting, and development here at Bridge Road Marketing.


An Apache Web Server is a software program that enables a computer to host websites and webpages. It acts as a gateway between clientside requests and your website‘s resources, allowing users to access your website‘s files, images, videos, webpages, and applications. Apache is the most popular web server in the world, and is used by many large websites and content delivery networksLearn more about Apache

Bare Metal

A Bare Metal Server is a physical hardware server that runs independently and does not rely on virtualization technology for its operation. It is usually owned and managed by an individual or organization and is dedicated to a single purpose or application. It is much more reliable and secure, as it has direct access to memory and other hardware resources without being affected by other virtualized applications. Bare metal servers also offer more configuration options, and provide more performance and control at a lower cost.


The Cloud, cloud computing, cloud server, cloud storage, etc.  Cloud has become one of the most overused marketing buzz words in the IT industry.  Anytime you hear cloud its generally referring to data, applications, content, or stored and/or published on a network of servers that may or may not be across multiple physical locations.


A Conversion occurs when you accomplish a desired goal on your website or within your marketing campaign.  Some examples of conversions include, but are not limited to; completing a sale on your eCommerce site, getting a user to enter an email on a popup, a potential customer calling your business, or a user subscribing to your feed.


This ones old school.  Central Processing Unit.  The brain of a computer… or server.  For our purposes with a central focus on websites we deal with CPUs on the server level.  The number of cores and processor value will generally determine how many processes your website or application can handle at once.


Credentials is a term meaning login information.  This will typically be a username and password, email and password, a pin.  Credentials should only be shared with trusted parties if at all, and should never be sent over email or in any unencrypted format.


CRM is an acronym for customer, relationship, management software. CRMs are design to help businesses record, track, and manage relationships with customers or potential customers for sake of sales, marketing, and retention. Salesforce is one of the largest and most well known CRMs.  Bridge Road Marketing works with all CRMs, though we use a custom developed system internally.  Some examples of other CRMs include Agile CRM, Hubspot,, ZOHO, and many more. Even Mailchimp, as its evolved, has the potential to be used as a CRM.


CSV is an acronym for Comma Separated Values.  A CSV is a very handy tool in web development and managing data as it is a simply text file with values that can be easly translated into many different formats.  Many database value import / exports are passed using a CSV format.


DNS is an acronym that stands for Domain Name System.  This is the system that assigns your domain name to the assets that make up your website or application.  You are likely to hear this term when moving your website from one server to another and can also expect to hear the phrase “DNS propagation” which is the amount of time it takes for your domain name to “link up” to its new location internet wide.  e.x. We update your DNS to point your domain name to the new site we’ve built for you, while your old site is hosted at GoDaddy.  While the DNS is propagating you may see the new version in Chicago, IL, but in Sydney Australia they are still seeing the old version.  Once DNS propagation is complete, everyone is seeing the new version of your site.


eCommerce refers to selling stuff on the internet.  Several years back we decided to use the eCommerce spelling of the word (I believe because that’s how Magento did it).  You will see it as ecommerce, Ecommerce, e-commerce, and E-Commerce.  They all mean selling goods, services, subscriptions, or anything you can think of online.


Encryption is a security process that scrambles your data.  A key is required to unscramble it by the recipient. SSL and more recently TLS are the most common forms of encryption used on websites.  


A firewall is a network tool that filters traffic coming into your network.  Firewalls may be hardware or software based, with hardware firewalls protecting against external threats (e.x. denial of service attack from IP address) and software protecting against internal (e.x. an email with a malicious link)


GUI, or graphical user interface, is a type of interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators such as secondary notation, rather than textbased user interfaces, typed command labels, or text navigation. Commonly used in many devices, examples of visually-oriented interfaces include computer operating systems, cell phones, and gaming consoles.

Host / Hosting

Web hosting is generally how were are using this term.  Any website you visit has to live somewhere. Hosting generally refers to where a website lives.  This is usually a computer or more likely a network of computers connected to the internet.  Bridge Road Marketing hosts most of the sites we build and provide ancillary services included in the monthly or annual fee associated with hosting. 


Linux is a free and opensource operating system. It is widely used for server, desktop and mobile applications. Linux is based on the Linux Kernel and is developed by a team of volunteers from around the world. It offers powerful features and functionality similar to other operating systems, while also being highly customizable and secureRead more about Linux.

Memory (see also RAM)

Like Cpu Memory is a fundamental part of all computing.  Bridge Road Marketing hosts your site on a dedicated server that we actively manage.  Depending on your package or custom solution a certain amount of memory is allocated to your website or application.


A mockup is an image representation of what your website, application, or user interface will look like.  the purpose of a mockup is to give you an idea of the overall look of your project.  Mockups will often be used in tandem with wireframes and in cases may be one in the same.


MySQL is a widely used database management system. It is used to store data in a structured format and run queries on the data to extract useful information. MySQL can also be used to create web pages and web applications. Its features include easy to use syntax, scalability, and high levels of security. Read more about MySQL.


NDA is an acronym for Non Disclosure Agreement.  A non disclosure agreement generally says “we will work on your project, but we won’t tell anyone about, and if we do we’ll be subject to penalties.”  A non disclosure agreement is a means to protect your perceived new and unique idea.

Operating System

An operating system is a type of software that manages the hardware and software resources of a computer or other device. It is responsible for the coordination of activities and the sharing of resources of the computer and controls the hardware and software.


POS is an acronym for Point of Sale.  This typically refers to an onsite point of sale or register at a brick and mortar location, or a portable device for use at events that allow accepting credit card (chip / swipe) or various other mobile payment types.


PPC is an acronym for Pay Per Click.  PPC involves the creation of ad creative, run times, budgets, target audiences, and more for ads that run on a per click basis on social media platforms, in search, and on many other locations across the web.



Query in web development is a request made to access data from a database. It enables websites to extract relevant information from the database for web page development. The query language used to interact with the database is Structured Query Language or SQL. SQL query statements are used to retrieve, manipulate, and modify data from the database.

Responsive (web design)

Responsive web design is an approach to web design that ensures web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. Responsive web design uses CSS media queries and fluid proportion-based grids to adjust the layout and content of a website to fit the size of the device used to view it. Responsive websites are designed to look great and provide a great user experience on smartphones, tablets, desktops, and other devices.


SKU is an acronym for Stock Keeping Unit.  all products in your eCommerce store should have a sku whether it is required by your system or not.  Get in the habit of providing a unique sku to each and every inventory item you sell.  

e.x. You only sell 1 t-shirt on your website.  Only 1 sku right?  Not excactly… you have 1 polo style shirt which coming in Yellow, Red, and Blue  and sizes s-XL.  3 sizes, 4colors = 12skus.  BRM21-polo-yellow-s, BRM21-polo-yellow-m, BRM21-polo-yellow-L, BRM21-polo-yellow-XL, BRM21-polo-red-s, and so on.

Most modern eCommerce platforms will help in generating these types of skus based on attributes used for your variable or configurable products.   


UX stands for User Experience and refers to the overall experience of a user interacting with a product or service. It includes elements of usability, accessibility, pleasure, and efficiency from a user‘s perspective. It looks at how a product or service can be designed to make it more enjoyable and intuitive for the user.


Variable Product

WooCommerce term for a parent product with children option based on attributes.  A variation does not count as a product in WooCommerce.

A product that has attribute options that the end user can select from. 

e.x.  A t-shirt with a color select drop down and size drop down is a Variable Product in WooCommerce, a Configurable Product in Magento, and a Product Variant in Shopify.


A wireframe is a representation of the places, directions of travel, and user flow through your website or application.  A wireframe will often be used in tandem with a mockup giving the client an idea of form and function prior to development work beginning.

White Label

White labeling is doing work under the umbrella of another brand.  This is very common in our industry.  Bridge Road Marketing has done white label work for large firms that have overflow, boutique marketing firms who’s primary skill sets are design, and business / networking / hardware experts who wish to add website design, development, and marketing as a service offering.  White labeling amounts to one party doing the work, but the “label” taking the credit for it.  Often times an NDA will accompany white label work. 


Z-index is a css value that controls the layering of elements on an html web page.  A position must be implied and a higher number is higher above where a lower number is below.

.zip File

A .zip file is a compressed archive used to store multiple files or folders in a single file, reducing their total size for easier storage and transfer. By compressing files, a .zip file makes it more efficient to send large amounts of data over email or through downloads, saving space and time. When you need the original files, you simply unzip the archive, extracting the contents back to their original format and structure. This is an essential tool for managing and sharing digital files in today’s fast-paced digital world. Learn how to open one.